Are Throttle Controllers Worth The Money? And What Are They?

Are throttle controllers worth the money?
Yes, we think so and here is why.
Throttle Controllers are one of the simplest upgrades you can make to see immediate benefits and difference in your acceleration.
A good throttle response controller can:
- Remove lag and that frustrating spongy accelerator forever
- Provide immediate acceleration
- Customize accelerator response
- Tune your acceleration in real-time
Throttle controllers have been around 10+ years.
But, which one can you trust? Our engineering team has been testing.
At this time our engineering team is recommending ShiftPower. It offers a sleek design with true personalization using a 0 - 100% dial for three difference response curves. Built with high standards and 3 year warranty.
Learn why Shiftpower Throttle Response Controller makes for a better driving experience and why we recommend checking this one out.
A throttle response controller is a device that helps with a cars pedal engine response. By controlling your throttle sensitivity, you can customize the acceleration of your vehicle and get an immediate feel for how much power you want to use every time.
A throttle controller makes driving more fun while also helping to improve safety! You no longer have to worry about throttle sensitivity being too high or too low; just set the throttle at your desired setting for a custom experience every time.
Greater control over horsepower, speed, and vehicle throttle sensitivity.
Think of it like a throttle booster that can be adjusted for city driving, bad weather, or to have sportier ride.
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Use the app to personalize all the modes.
What you want to do is select the type of curve you want and then set your modes to these curves. Each curve gives you 0 - 100% control. This means you can set each mode to a certain % on the curve. Below you will see the different modes and the three different curves you can select. We recommend trying linear, but many people like exponential for highway driving.

What do throttle controllers do?
Throttle Response Controllers are a new product that came along with the electrical accelerator system. They help improve your driving experience by making accelerator sensitivity customizable. This gives you a quick accelerator response from pressing the accelerator. Its easy installation into the throttle body makes it perfect for any car out there.
This will not give your more horsepower, but will allow you to adjust the lag or pedal throttle response. This will allow you to accelerate up to speed much faster.
What does increasing throttle response do?
Technically, it sends an increased electrical signal to override factory throttle body so that the throttle opens faster. The OEM throttle is programmed to be economical but means slowly opening the throttle.
Increasing your throttle response means you are able to feel the accelerator input and activate your engine IMMEDIATELY. This allows you to get a custom accelerator engine response by increasing the sensitivity.
This means that when you press accelerator there is a delay in engine power before accelerating from throttle openly slowly from electrical signal. Increasing the throttle response let's you control how fast it opens when you press the accelerator. The faster the throttle opens then the quicker you will accelerate.
What causes slow throttle response?
The accelerator, throttle and the controller are all linked through a vehicle's ECU (engine control unit). There are wires that are monitored by the throttle controller. The accelerator is like a very large dimmer switch.
The computer is constantly monitoring and adjusting the throttle position being open to allow air and fuel to mix. OEM can program these to open slower to conserve fuel, but it makes it very difficult to drive safely if you need to accelerate quickly.
If you have ever driven up hills or in stop-and-go traffic, there may be times where your pedal feels like its "stuck" or "spongy".
- The ECU monitors these wires, which control how fast the car's engine can idle while at rest, and if it needs more fuel or not.
- If the controller detects a problem, it can tell this to the accelerator and keep you from stepping on it too hard.
ShiftPower does not interfere with the cars electronics. It monitors these wires, in the throttle body, to send a different signal, which helps you control the power output response to the throttle body to open this valve. This helps the accelerator feel more like when we had a more instant engine feel.

Short answer is Yes!
Do you like driving in the fast lane? Merging easily? This is going to make all this much easier and more predictable.
When you step on the gas, it takes a long time to get up to speed if you have a slow throttle. You vehicle may feel like it doesn't have the power to catch up with the other cars and traffic ahead.
How do I increase my throttle response?
I notice when I press on the accelerator, it takes a little while for my vehicle to actually accelerate. This is called throttle response time and there are ways you can increase this function in your vehicle’s control system.
First off, let me explain what throttle response does: it helps get up to speed faster when getting onto the road, highway, or streets.
- The best way to increase your throttle response is by using a throttle response controller. This product will tune your throttle control to have a faster reaction time and is easy for you to install in less than an 10 min!
- Next, simply adjust the car response settings using a smart phone app. That is if you have a throttle controller that comes with a smart phone app. The good news is that ShiftPower does!
- After the 5 min install there is an easy to use smart phone app that lets you control the settings of you car of vehicles throttle input.
How do I reduce throttle response?
It is not uncommon for most drivers to want a softer throttle response. This can be due to vehicle safety in bad weather. The accelerator can often feel too sensitive or it when and only need to accelerate slightly. Its simple to reduce the rpm and throttle lag in cars using our apps.
It's also common that people have different preferences in how they like their gas throttle control, whether it be more responsive (race mode) or less so with less of a throttle response (valet mode).
How can I improve my throttle response?
With ShiftPower it's pretty simple for most all cars and trucks to improve throttle response with a 10 min install. You can use the remote to simply click to adjust the modes. Or you can use the Smart Phone app to adjust the cars throttle lag.
The modes or levels include:
- Off
- Valet Mode
- Dynamic
- Sport
- Super Sport
- Race.
ShiftPower takes away the mushy Accelerator using these various levels but all can be customized.
Race mode gives 100% throttle use with reduced delays. Most people prefer Sport mode for their cars or trucks.
How to change modes on app:
The throttle is controlled through an accompanying phone application which makes it easy to adjust. There are several modes below that can be set with mounted button or phone app.
Not all throttle controls have apps and its not easy to adjust quickly. For the best control and results we recommend placing your phone on a phone mount in your car.
Easy to mount button:

Yes, throttle controllers work! But not all are equal.
Many people are skeptical about these types of products. And rightly so! There is a lot of BS out there that make outrageous claims and don't deliver on their promises.
Many people have found them to be quite ineffective, especially when they were already at the top levels for throttle. The issue comes from poorly built components that don't handle the signals correctly. The performance will depend on the vehicle and the quality of the throttle response controller.
Yes, being able to adjust the throttle sensitivity means you can drive optimally for all conditions.
You may have experience lag when trying to accelerate? Most car manufactures try to find a throttle mode that allows for all weather and traffic conditions. This can mean a pedal that doesn't feel as responsive, but does much better on roads covered by snow and ice depending on the level or amount setting.
Some people might ask if throttle response are really are worth the buy. But they're not just for car enthusiasts and racers! We all use accelerators on a daily basis; we need them to drive safely in our cars, but we also want control.
A throttle response controller can be adjusted from a simple and easy to use button on the dash or smart phone app. This puts you in direct control of the amount of throttle response.
Are throttle controllers bad for your car?
NO! They are not bad for your car.
They are not directly connected to any modules in the car or vehicle. It simply reads the electrical signal between a couple wires.
The module then reads the signal and updates very quickly based on the programming. This means there is no harm to the vehicle components.
Are throttle controllers worth the money?
Yes, in our experience we think throttle response controllers are well worth the money. It will make for a really fun and exciting ride with more control.
ShiftPower is much safer than accelerator mods or other aftermarket products because we connect pedal directly and not to other modules or electronics. If any questions about shipping, reviews, the harness, warranty then please reach out to our customer service.
ShiftPower is currently being sold for less than $200. There are other boxier versions in the market that are more expensive with similar features. ShiftPower stands out as the next generation throttle controller that covers these features for a fraction of the cost. Oh, but with a modern look.
It's simple, clean and discreet design makes it easy to install in many different models of cars. Control all ShiftPower features from your smartphone with 6 different modes including Off, Valet Mode, Dynamic, Sport, Super Sport and Race. You can take away that mushy feel of your accelerator with this product!
Want to be able to accelerate faster than ever before? Get ShiftPower today!
Click he to check our ShiftPower Throttle Response Controller >