Throttle Response Controller

  • Honda Civic Hesitation During Acceleration

    Common reasons that can cause Civic Hesitation in Acceleration with the accelerator include manufacture settings, fuel delivery system, spark plug...
  • 2016 Honda Pilot Sluggish Acceleration

    There are many reasons that your Honda Pilot might not be accelerating well or the accelerator feels like mush! The good news is that there are ea...
  • Honda Odyssey Hesitation During Acceleration

    Manufacturers, like Honda, are required by law to adjust the accelerator sensitivity for emissions and safety. The problem is that it makes accele...
  • Dodge Journey Acceleration Problem [Simple Fix]

    Manufacturers will set the throttle response low due to regulations. This means that when you step on the accelerator, there is a slight delay bef...
  • Honda Civic Acceleration Lag

    Acceleration lag is the term used to describe the delay between when you step on the accelerator and when your vehicle actually begins to move. Th...
  • Car Feels Sluggish [Simple Fix]

    Modern cars can feel sluggish due to manufacturing settings on the accelerator regulations. This is done for safety reasons but can make your car ...
  • Car Bogging Down When Accelerating

    The simplest problem might be the accelerator settings. But, it might not be what you think. Manufacturers are required to set the accelerator wit...
  • Honda CRV Hesitation Acceleration

    The Honda CRV is a great car. But, like all cars, it has its quirks. One of those quirks is that it sometimes hesitates when accelerating. This ...
  • 2019 Toyota Camry Acceleration Problems

    One of the most common problems is State and Government regulations. Manufacturers must set the acceleration low on purpose. The more recent Toy...
  • Honda Accord Acceleration Problems

    There can be many reasons for poor acceleration in new vehicles like the Honda Accord. Part of the problem is from government and federal regulati...
  • Honda CRV Sluggish Acceleration

    One of the most common complaints about the Honda CRV is its sluggish acceleration. You are not alone if you are experiencing what is known as t...
  • Silverado Hesitates On Acceleration [Quick Tips]

    Many things can cause acceleration problems but a more common reason is the manufacturer setting on the accelerator. Regulations require that ac...